Momentary Well-Being Project
How does your well-being change over time on a daily, momentary basis? We are working on measuring psychological well-being as a complex, multifaceted state that changes over time. Specifically, we are evaluating how an individual’s well-being can develop and fluctuate on a momentary, day-to-day basis. This project investigates multiple measures of well-being over time as well as the efficacy of well-being interventions in efforts to shed light on how to promote human flourishing. We utilized ecological momentary assessment (EMA) methodology to measure well-being in daily life. Also, we used a longitudinal design to track changes in well-being (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, sense of meaning, accomplishment) over time.
Project Leads:
Kathryn Doiron and David Li
Project Members:
Angelina Leigh, Ezra Isabel Cabreros, Lawrence Chan, Jaymes Paolo Rombaoa, Kelsey Carpenter, Olivia Ellis, Rachel Hutchinson, Ximena Giesemann